Uridine triphosphate trisodium salt

Supplier: Gentaur

0.01 GBP
Catalog: 931-T8393-5mg

Categoria di prodotto: Business & Industrial > Science & Laboratory

Stock:On request
Product Size: 5mg

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Uridine triphosphate trisodium salt

  • SMILES: [Na+].[Na+].[Na+].OC1C(O)C(OC1COP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])(=O)OP(O)([O-])=O)n1ccc(=O)[nH]c1=O
  • Formula: C9H12N2Na3O15P3

  • Purity: 0.98
  • CAS#: 19817-92-6
  • Molecular Weight: 550.085
  • Bioactivity: UTP, Trisodium Salt is a nucleotide.

For research use only.

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