FilmArray® multiplex PCR system 4th August 2021 – Tags: , , , , ,

We present to You FilmArray® PCR systems from BioFire®.

What is FilmArray® System?

BioFire® system devices use multiplex PCR technology. They are produced to do work of several different instruments at once. They take samples, extract genetic material, amplificate, detect and analize the results of experiment. They are really fast, because it takes them aproximately 2 minutes to take a sample and less than an hour to give results. They enable to detect simultaneously bacteria, viruses, yeast fungi, parasites and antibiotic-resistant genes. Thanks to those devices we can conduct tests for different pathogenes that lead to infections of respiratory system, blood, digestive system and central nervous system.
Chemical reactions that take place in those devices are conducted inside FilmArray® Pouch. Inside of it there are several chemical reagents that enable to provide whole PCR process.


FilmArray® user instruction:

Usage of those devices is pretty simple. There are three steps to conduct the whole test:
1. Injection of the solution and an unprocessed sample to the pouch
2. Insertion of the pouch into the FilmArray System and starting the run
3. Getting results

Advantages of the BioFire® FilmArray® System:

  • saving time
  • easy use
  • simplicity
  • conducts multiple tests

Different FilmArray® Systems:

The BioFire® FilmArray® Torch System

It is one of the latest devices for molecular infectious disease diagnostics. It produces up to 6 times more sample throughput per square foot of benchtop space. It is compatible with every existing infectious disease panels on Biofilm Systems. This machine tests up to 264 samples per day. It has a touchscreen interface and integrated barcode scanner. Data menagement automation of this device includes LIS connectivity.


The BioFire® FilmArray® 2.0 System

It sets the metric of care for in-house syndromic infectious disease testing. LIS interfacing capabilities of this device allow automatic upload of patient results. It also allows You to use up to 8 instruments on one computer. Its high throughput enables to test 175 samples per day. This devices scalable configuration allows to customize throughput and efficient use of laboratory bench space.


The BioFire® FilmArray® System EZ Configuration

This instrument facilitates rapid near-patient molecular diagnostic testing. It has CLIA Certificate of Waiver required to perform testing. It is designed for use with the BioFire® FilmArray® Respiratory EZ Panel in CLIA-waived testing sites, which includes clinics and physician offices. This machine allows decentralized molecular testing throughout a provider network.


Our panels for FilmArray® PCR system:

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