5-(and-6)-Carboxy SNARF-1, Acetoxymethyl Ester, Acetate

Supplier: Gentaur

0.01 GBP
Catalog: 931-TD0048-5mg Stock:On request
Product Size: 5mg

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5-(and-6)-Carboxy SNARF-1, Acetoxymethyl Ester, Acetate

Formula: C32H25NO9

  • Purity: 0.98
  • CAS#: 126208-13-7
  • Molecular Weight: 567.55
  • Bioactivity: The cell-permeant pH indicator, carboxy SNARF-1, acetoxymethyl ester, acetate (CAS #126208-13-7) has a pKa of ~7.5 after de-esterification, thus is useful for measuring pH changes between pH 7 and pH 8. Carboxy-SNARF-1 exhibits a significant pH-dependent emission shift from yellow-orange to deep red fluorescence under acidic and basic conditions, respectively. This pH dependence allows the ratio of the fluorescence intensities from the dye at two emission wavelengths – typically 580 nm and 640 nm – to be used for quantitative determinations of pH.

For research use only.

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