The Bioperfectus Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit is an in vitro diagnostic test, based on real-time PCR technology, for the detection of DNA from the Monkeypox virus. Specimens can be obtained from human serum, lesion exudate samples and scab. BSL-2 facilities with standard BSL-2 work practices may be used for the test of t he Monkeypox virus.
All reagents should be stored at -20+/-5°C contition. Keep detection mix away from light. Avoid repeatedly freeze-thaw.
The Bioperfectus Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCRT Kit is based on real-time PCR technology. Specific primers and probes are designed based on specific areas of Monkeypox virus. Probes consist of a reporter dye at 5' and quenching dye at 3'. The fluorescent signals emitted from reporter dye are absorbed by the quencher, so it doesnt's emit signals. During amplification, probes bonded to templates are cut off by Taq enzyme (5'->3' exonuclase activity), separating reporter dye from the quencher, generating fluorescent signals, the PRC instrument will then automatically draw a real-time amplification curve based on the signal change, finally realizing the qualitative detection and differentiation of DNA from Monkeypox virus. In addition, the kit is also contains a housekeeping gene (RNase P) as an internal control (IC) for specimen sampling and nucleic acid extraction.
For use with Bioperfectus STC-96A, STC-96A PLUS, Applied Biosystems 7500, QuantStudio 5, Roche LightCycler 480, Bio-Rad CFX96, QIAGEN rotor-Gene Q, Analytik Jena qTOWER3 and other applicable Bioperfectus machine.
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