Rectum Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of rectal cancer and 5 cases of normal and

Supplier: Gentaur

0.01 GBP
Catalog: 36-Z7020039 Stock:On request
Product Size: 5 slides

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Our tissue products are produced by strictly following the IRB ethical standards and procedures and from highest quality tissues. Immediately after collection the tissues are placed in liquid nitrogen and examined by certified pathologists. The thickness of each individual section is ~5um. They are Hematoxylin and Eosin stained and quality tested by immunostaining with anti-beta-actin antibodies. Our tissue products are suitable for various studies on cellular level (RNA localization, Protein expression, etc.) on both normal and pathological cases. It is also an excellent control and educational tool.

Shipped on ambient temperature

Rectum Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of rectal cancer and 5 cases of normal and is intended for research use only and should not be used for diagnostics, treatment or consumption of netheir humans nor animals.

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