Foam Cushions

Supplier: Gentaur

0.01 GBP
Catalog: 521-PC200

Product Category: Business & Industrial > Science & Laboratory

Stock:On request
Product Size: 100 cushions/pack

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Foam Cushions (PC200) are intended for use with MiniblotterTM instruments. The MiniblotterTM instrumentsenable you to perform multiple antibody or probe incubations on a single membrane, using microliter volumes ofreagent. Typical applications include monoclonal antibody screening on western blots, animal and humanscreening, and DNA probe hybridizations. Sample processing is streamlined through use of the washingmanifold, which enables washing of all sample lanes, simultaneously. Reactions can be detected by allconventional methods, including enzyme conjugates, chemiluminescence and radiolabels.

Support cushions for the membrane.

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